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21st July 2021

Annual report 2020 is published

The annual report of the Quality and Supervisory Authority for Social Services and Child Protection for 2020 has been published. The year 2020 was the second full year of operations of the Institute.

News image GEV

The report contains information on the activities of the Quality and Supervisory Authority during the year. Visits to workplaces under the surveillance of the agency due to the COVID-19 pandemic had to be postponed. From the beginning, the oversight of the Administration has focused largely on services for disabled people that are in line with the percentage of recommendations received by the Administration. The Quality and Supervisory Authority is currently working on a study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on services for disabled people.

The staff group of the Quality and Supervisory Authority changed during the year. Sigríður Jónsdóttir, who had been managing director since the beginning of the operation, retired on 1 February. The managing director was replaced by the managing director. Halldór Gunnarsson, who had been the daily head of rights protection officers, also retired in mid-year. Thank you to them for their work at the Institute.

Before that, there is a change in the framework for the operation of the Institute. The Act on an independent regulatory authority, the Welfare Quality and Inspection Authority, was passed by the Althingi on 11 June and enters into force on 1 January 2022. A number of new tasks will come under the auspices of a new agency, such as monitoring the quality of services under the Child Protection Act.