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12th January 2024

Activity figures for the full year 2023

Highest bed utilization ever seen.

Hildigunnur Svavarsdóttir CEO - landscape
  • The number of days of stay in the year was 29,492, which is more than 4% higher than in 2022, and the average stay in the ward is 4.7 days.

  • Most of the patients were admitted to emergency wards, 77% of the total admissions.

  • The inpatient wards have been under considerable pressure and bed occupancy has increased considerably. The internal medicine ward has now 100.4% capacity, and 89.2% last year, and the surgical ward 96.2% now and 89% last year. There has also been pressure on the psychiatric ward. It's bed occupancy rate in the year 84.3% compared to 75.2% last year.

  • Emergency visits by individuals 75 years and older have increased by 13% since Covid-19, a corresponding increase in admission to SAk wards. On average about 6.4 individuals are inpatients who are already undergoing treatment or waiting for rehabilitation or a place in a nursing home.

  • Over 10,500 individuals have received outpatient services, 2,273 of which have been received chemotherapy, compared to 2,180 last year, a 5% increase.

  • The emergency wards have over 17,900 contacts compared with 16,558 at the same time last year, making the year-on-year increase over 8%. Waiting time to see a doctor in the emergency room is now about 43 minutes, which is slightly above our criteria for a 40 minute wait for a doctor.

  • Surgeries in the year were 2,598, 33.4% being emergency operations. Prosthetic operations were 330, which is slightly below the annual estimate.

  • The number of medical imaging examinations (without mammograms) were about 40,300, on average, making it about 110 examinations a day.

  • Analysis completed at the clinical laboratory during the year amounted to 282,000, 269 of which were PCR-Covid tests.

  • There were about 6% fewer births than last year. 410 babies were born 2023 compared with 436 in 2022.

  • There have been a lot of tourists during the year, with a 27% increase between years in admittance of uninsured persons in the emergency wards. Similarly, the number of admissions is similar to last year with a prominent peak in the summer months.