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9th November 2023

Activity figures for January - October 2023

1.7 newborns per day

Hildigunnur Svavarsdóttir CEO - landscape
  • The number of days of stay for the above period is 24,885, which is about 7.3% more than at the same time last year. The average stay per ward is 4.5 days.

  • Most of the patients are admitted to emergency admissions, about 77.5% of the total admissions.

  • There has been a lot of pressure on the inpatient wards and bed utilization in the medical department is 101% and in the surgery department 97.3% during the period. There has also been considerable pressure on the psychiatric ward this year, and bed utilization there during the period was 88% compared to 73% last year.

  • At the end of October, about 14% of inpatients in emergency wards and Kristnesspítál asked for a permanent place at Heilsuvernd nursing home in Akureyri. On average, there are about 6.6 inpatients who have completed treatment or are waiting for rehabilitation or a place in a nursing home.

  • There is a 4.6% increase in visits to outpatient ward, 9,554 persons have received services at outpatient ward, of which 1,811 were given chemotherapy. Arrivals at day wards are 5,198.

  • 9,269 people have visited the emergency ward and outpatient ward of the emergency ward, compared to 8,484 at the same time last year, so the increase between years is over 9% over the period. Waiting time to see a doctor in the emergency department is about 42 minutes, standard being 40 minutes waiting.

  • Surgeries in January-October were 2,186 and 34% of operations are emergency operations. 273 prosthetic operations have been performed to date.

  • The number of imaging examinations (excluding mammograms) was around 33,974, making it an average of around 112 examinations per day.

  • The number of studies at the research department of SAk was almost 229 thousand compared to 282 thousand last year, but the decrease in the number of studies can mostly be attributed to fewer PCR samples this year.

  • Between January and October, 350 children were born compared to 381 children at the same time last year, which corresponds to 1.7 newborns per day.

  • There has been a large increase in tourist arrivals this year, and there is an almost 34% year-on-year increase in arrivals of non-insured persons to the emergency room. Similarly, the number of hospitalized persons has increased slightly during the period, but is comparable to last year with a noticeable peak during the summer months.