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9th May 2024

Activity figures for January-April 2024

Increasing numbers of chemotherapy recipients.

Hildigunnur Svavarsdóttir CEO - landscape
  • The number of stays over the four months was over 9,000, which is slightly fewer than last year. The number of stays is decreasing and the average number of stays is now 4.5 days compared to 4.9 last year.

  • Most of the patients are admitted to the emergency room, which accounts for approximately 74% of the total admittance.

  • Looking at the occupancy of the wards, the internal medicine ward has 92.5% occupancy, the surgical ward has almost 85% occupancy, which is less than last year and the same is true for the psychiatric ward. This is because discharges occur earlier than before and the occupancy is better.

  • Over 5,600 people have received services in the outpatient ward, 798 of whom have received chemotherapy, compared to 696 chemotherapy during the same period last year, and there is a continuous increase in these services.

  • In the emergency wards of communication is 6,059 compared to 5,925 at the same time last year. Waiting time for a doctor in the emergency room has increased slightly to approximately 44 minutes, which is slightly outside our criteria for 40 minute waiting for a doctor.

  • The number of surgeries performed in the first four months was 912, which is comparable to the number of surgeries performed at the same time last year. Approximately 27.7% of surgeries were emergency surgeries and artificial joint surgeries were 140 compared to 135 last year.

  • The number of medical imaging examinations (without mammograms) was approximately 13,600, making an average of 112 studies per day, which is comparable between years. Other examinations, such as those performed by the research department and physiology department, are little reduced.

  • The number of births is still going upwards compared to the previous year, with 137 babies born this year compared to 126 babies born in the same period last year.

  • The number of non-insured persons admitted to the hospital is similar to the same period last year.