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5th February 2024

Activity figures for January 2024

Increased birth rate in the first month of the year.

Hildigunnur Svavarsdóttir CEO - landscape
  • The number of stays in January was 2,248, which is more than 4% more than in 2023 and averages 4.2 days in a ward.

  • Most of the patients are admitted to an emergency ward, they account for about 75% of the total admissions.

  • The year is starting relatively slowly compared to January 2023, with the internal medicine ward and surgical ward now having a capacity of 89% compared to 100% in last year.

  • At the end of January, 19% of the beds in Kristnesspítali, the internal medicine ward and surgical ward, were occupied by patients who have a valid skills and health assessment or are in the process.

  • Over 2,100 people have received services in the outpatient ward, 248 of whom have been treated for cancer, compared to 203 in January 2023.

  • The number of communication to the emergency wards is nearly 1,500 compared to 1,377 in the same period last year, making the year-over-year increase nearly 9%. Waiting time for a doctor in the emergency department is now about 41 minutes, close to our 40 minute waiting time for a doctor.

  • There were 251 surgeries in January, more than last year when full operations were not possible due to stress and lack of staff. Currently, about 24% of operations are emergency operations, and there were 35 artificial joint operations.

  • The number of medical imaging (without mammograms) was approximately 3,482, making an average of approximately 112 examinations studies per day.

  • The birth rate increased in January, when 34 babies were born compared to 27 babies in January 2023.

  • The year begins with the same pattern as last year with the arrival of non-insured persons in the emergency ward, although fewer people have been admitted than in January 2023.