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2nd August 2024

A gift to the maternity ward SAk

On 30 July, the maternity ward of SAk received a very gracious gift.

Gift to SAk maternity department - Guðrún Linda

The ward's clients Stefanía Steinsdóttir and Sólveig Helgadóttir donated eight televisions to the ward, which will be installed in all rooms of the ward. They also donated two hair blowers.

“We are extremely grateful for this gift and the warmth that comes with it,” says Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir, Head of the maternity ward.

The gift is given in memory of Stefanía and Sólveig’s daughter, María Linda, who was stillborn in the maternity ward at SAk.

The accompanying photo shows Guðrún Linda, (María Linda's big sister) and Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir with the equipment.