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31st May 2022

A day without tobacco 31.05.2022 - Quit for the environment!

The annual International Day of Action against Tobacco Use is this year dedicated to tobacco as a threat to our environment.

Protecting the environment is another reason to stop using tobacco.

The annual International Day of Action against Tobacco Use is this year dedicated to tobacco as a threat to our environment. Address the negative environmental impact of tobacco and highlight the global adverse effects of tobacco use on the environment, economy, communities and human health.

The damage to tobacco use is well known and over 8 million people die every year from tobacco use. The production of tobacco harms our environment from cultivation and production, through distribution and consumption and, ultimately, as waste. The adverse effects continue to increase with unnecessary pressure on the earth's resources and fragile ecosystem.

The World Health Organization encourages everyone, especially young people, to call for a policy whereby the tobacco industry is held accountable for the environmental impact it causes.

There has been a reduction in smoking in Iceland over the past few decades, both among men and women. Daily smoking is currently up 6% so far this year among adults. However, for young people 18-24 years of age, daily smoking is still lower, at just over 1%.

The use of lip tobacco, which has been significant among young people in recent years, is now very low. The use of lip tobacco is on the decline due to a sharp increase in the use of nicotine pads. Imports of nicotine powders to Iceland increased greatly in the year 2019-2020. About a third of men aged 18 to 44 and women aged 18 to 24 use nicotine pads, and this is the most commonly used daily use.

The Ministry of Health published a second draft of the legislation amending the Act on Electronic Cigarettes in a government consultation portal last January. The bill aims to add nicotine products such as tobacco-free nicotine pads to the law. The aim is to establish clear and comprehensive rules on authorisations for the import, sale and marketing of nicotine products, as well as rules on the control of such products, in order to ensure a better level of safety. The Directorate of Health considers it necessary that laws be introduced to cover these products in light of their increased use in a short period of time.

You can get help free of charge in online chats to stop using tobacco and nicotine. The Health website is open every day from 8 to 22.