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23rd January 2020

CBRNE handbook

In September 2019, a CBRNE incident response plan was issued. The CBRNE response plan is intended to dictate the organization and management of operations when a suspected incident caused by toxins, pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites), radiation, nuclear or explosives, which may lead to a public health threat, is suspected.

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-Automatic translation

The abbreviation for these elements in English is CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives). It is a uniform procedure for the entire country, its airspace, and maritime jurisdiction.
In parallel with the preparation of this plan, work was carried out on the translation and localization of the CBRNE handbook, which is intended as support for those who first arrive at the scene when there is a suspicion that there has been a CBRNE incident. This handbook is the product of a Nordic collaborative project, based on the Hague Declaration, and was made by representatives of fire brigades, rescue teams, health institutions, and the police in Sweden and Norway. The Icelandic version is available on the website of the Office of the National Medical Examiner. It is intended to support the work of the Icelandic responders from the time the call is received until the very first tasks on the ground are completed.
A limited edition printed hardcover version is now being distributed to responders for safe keeping in their vehicles.
Shortly, the manual will be available for download to smartphones and laptops, free of charge.
See more: Handbook for responders, CBRNE. Issue 1. 2019 (in Icelandic)

Chief Epidemiologist
Public Safety Department RLS
Housing and Infrastructure Agency