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3rd September 2024

Increased services for individuals with opioid addiction

The Minister of Health, Willum Þór Þórsson, has confirmed an annex to the agreement between Icelandic Health Insurance and SÁÁ on rapid services for addictions and early intervention for individuals with severe opioid addiction. An agreement to this effect was signed today with the hospital in Vogur.

The Annex includes additional services that healthcare institutions can refer to, thereby increasing access to important treatments in order to ensure timely access. It is part of the process of reducing waiting times for services as well as increasing access to appropriate resources following a professional assessment of treatment needs. This will create continuity between the level of healthcare services and increase cooperation with other providers. It is proposed that the Annex Agreement be included in the new comprehensive agreement on the provision of services for the Aids Society, which is set to take effect at the end of the year.

The agreement is part of the government’s measures to combat harm caused by opioid addiction, which was approved by the government. It specifically proposed the development of a rapid response centre where individuals in acute need are guaranteed access to evidence-based healthcare services such as withdrawal treatment, substance abuse treatment or maintenance treatment that meets their needs.

Minister of Health Willum Þór says that this contract agreement includes a very important stage, which includes increased services and improved accessibility:

In addition to increasing the number of maintenance treatments, it is pleasing to see a rapid response realized, cooperation between institutions, Landspítali and SÁÁ for those in urgent need of admission or treatment.

Increased services

References to the service are given a special channel within the SÁÁ, with a professional assessment of the need and access to the appropriate level of service. At the same time, the Annex to the SÁÁ allows for the increase of services for individuals with opioid addiction and the goal is that up to 450 individuals have access to drug treatment for opioid addiction annually in the outpatient ward. CEO of Iceland Health Sigurður H. Helgason welcomes this additional step that has now been taken

I am pleased that this group is receiving a high level of service and support that has been waiting for so long.

Under this, Anna Hildur Guðmundsdóttir chair of SÁÁ adds that he will further strengthen SÁÁ’s services.

This annex allows us to further strengthen our work and increase our services. We get a better overview of the need for treatment at all levels and how it appears in the healthcare system, as well as increasing transparency on how we are meeting this need in good cooperation with Iceland Health and health authorities.

As part of the government’s actions

Extensive policy development is underway in the Ministry of Health in the area of the affairs and a working group is working on updating the overall policy on alcohol and drug control. This policy will cover prevention, treatment resources, follow-up treatment, rehabilitation and the legal environment. Emphasis is placed on the policy taking into account the different needs of groups with regard to treatment for addiction.

The work of the working group is accompanied by a status evaluation and mapping of the health services that are available today for people who need treatment or rehabilitation due to substance abuse. This work will support policy making in the area for the future.